Rebels Hero Factory – Specially aimed at children from 3 years old to 5 years old. This class has been developed by us to build children’s core strength, balance, flexibility and learning. Used as a support or building block towards these children taking part in our regular weekday classes. They are also taught life skills and anti-abduction and anti-bullying awareness.
Saturdays 11am 3 year olds to 5 year olds

Rolling Rebels – Grappling, throwing and ground work. Aimed at developing grappling skills for self-defence and competition
Mondays 6pm 4 year olds – 8 year olds 7.15pm 9 year olds to teens and adults

Tae Kwon Do – Traditional Tae Kwon Do training under the guidance of Master O’Leary and our assistant Instructors.
Tuesday & Thursday 6pm 4 year olds – 8 year olds 7.15pm 9 year olds to teens 8.30pm Adults only
Tuesday & Thursday 6pm 4 year olds – 8 year olds 7.15pm 9 year olds to teens 8.30pm Adults only

Fight Club Kickboxing – This class is aimed at developing the speed and timing required for stand up striking competition. Rebel Martial Arts has a separate grading system for members who wish to only take part in Fight Club training.
Wednesdays 6pm 4 year olds – 8 year olds 7.15pm 9 year olds to teens & Adults
Saturdays 12.15pm for All ages
Wednesdays 6pm 4 year olds – 8 year olds 7.15pm 9 year olds to teens & Adults
Saturdays 12.15pm for All ages

Drop Your Pants – Our specially developed fitness and weight loss program for people who wish to lose weight and tone up. Based on the work Master O’Leary undertook to change his own lifestyle. Drop Your Pants has helped many people to change their relationship with their body and eating habits. At one time being 18 stone, he dropped to 12.5 stone within 6 months. We have day time and evening sessions. Suitable for all levels of fitness and ability, with online training and private one on one training options also available.
Monday: 10am & 8.40pm
Tuesday: 10am
Wednesday: 10am & 8.40pm
Thursday: 10am
Friday: 10am & 8.40pm
Private 1 on 1 by appointment also online distance training available.
Monday: 10am & 8.40pm
Tuesday: 10am
Wednesday: 10am & 8.40pm
Thursday: 10am
Friday: 10am & 8.40pm
Private 1 on 1 by appointment also online distance training available.